West Games: Areal, il seguito spirituale di S.T.A.L.K.E.R., non è una truffa

West Games: Areal, il seguito spirituale di S.T.A.L.K.E.R., non è una truffa

Areal è il nuovo sparatutto in prima persona definito come 'seguito spirituale' di S.T.A.L.K.E.R. La software house produttrice West Games sta cercando di finanziare il progetto tramite crowdufunding e Kickstarter, ma questo ha prodotto non poche polemiche. Abbiamo contattato West Games per capire come stanno le cose.

di pubblicato il nel canale Videogames

Interview (English)

It has spread the rumor on the internet that your project is a scam. What do you say to these accusations?

Eugene Kim: They are completely false and were spread originally by vostok games and Misery LTD. We have posted numerous updates, including video updates, that have systemically dis-proven every accusation that has been made against us.

Both Vostok Games and Misery LTD have retracted their accusations against us officially. Though they continue to spread negativity and lies via unofficial accounts on our Kickstarter. Unfortunately, some news outlets have taken their word without doing any fact checking, and have posted these allegations against us (which is probably how you guys have heard about these baseless allegations). There is an unfortunately true saying on the internet, and it's that if you repeat a lie often enough, it then becomes fact.


Gamemag: Seem to have been found among the contents of your Kickstarter page artwork already used in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and in the video seems to be material purchased on the Unity Store. Is that true?

Eugene Kim: All concept art and screenshots within our Kickstarter presentation belong to us. As we consist of senior ex-STALKER/GSC employees, we showed in the video what we've accomplished in the past, so that people understand what we are capable of creating with Areal. We do not use any of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s assets within Areal, and GSC is fine with us using S.T.A.L.K.E.R. footage to represent what we've accomplished in the past. We actually also wanted to show a demo we made a long time ago that ran on unreal via an update, but are deciding against it since people are probably going to rage and say why we showed an unreal demo... Areal is in pre-alpha, and the definition of that is as follows,

"A development status given to a program or application that is usually not feature complete, and is not usually released to the public. Developers are usually still deciding on what features the program should have at this status. This status comes before the alpha version, and is the first status given to a program."

Gamemag: What do you want to answer to Vostok Games? According to them there aren't in your team developers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Metro Last Light.

Eugene Kim: We have contacted Vostok games about those claims against us, and they have stated that they do not have any allegations against us. In fact, they have since deleted the forum topic on their website wherein an uninformed moderator accused us of that (https://forum.survarium.com/en/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3450#wrap). We have a whole update concerning this topic actually: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1577656602/areal/posts/889637

Gamemag: Why Areal is defined as a spiritual successor to STALKER?

Eugene Kim: Because we want to preserve the spirit of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. whilst starting fresh via a new ip that you know as Areal.

Gamemag: Are you sure that the very colorful scenario marry well with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Eugene Kim: Areal is a new game created by senior ex-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. developers. The scenario is actually very dark and disturbing, and we think that a post apocalyptic world can have colors that go beyond grey. We want to continue the ideas we had for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, butat the same time, create a unique world and setting.


Gamemag: You will have a truly next generation graphics engine?

Eugene Kim: Hopefully! Well, the definition of next gen changes every couple of years doesn't it? I remember PS1 being next gen at some point . The engine that we are developing takes cues from every previous engine that we've worked on before. And we've worked on many, including Unreal, CryEngine, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s engine and Unity. We can take the expertise that we've gained from working on those engines, and apply it towards making something that suits our needs.

You asked for $ 50,000 on Kickstarter for this project: it'ssufficient to create a truly complete title and a Triple A game?

Eugene Kim: This is a question that we get a lot. But before I answer it, I want to ask two other questions. Why do people think that 50,000 is the maximum that we can raise, and not the absolute minimum? And why are professional's salaries different in different countries?

We have a start up, we already have fans, plus we ourselves are fans of what we're doing, so we don't need big salaries. We need an opportunity to do, create promote and make the world a more exciting place. That's why we did not force up our salaries and expenses. To further elaborate on our budget though, we have a whole section on our Kickstarter dedicated to why our BASE goal is what it is:

"We've pooled all of our savings into making Areal, and don't have funds to go any further. Unlike most companies, every one of our employees has invested their time and money into making Areal. The budget that we've pooled together covers salaries and some aspects of game development. We need the Kickstarter and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community to support us by helping us cover the rest. Marketing also makes up a huge portion of most budgets, so we will rely on internal marketing as well as word of mouth to lower those costs substantially."

Gamemag: How goes the development? When will we see an early version of the game and when the final version?

Eugene Kim: We have shown and will continue to show screenshots, 3D models, concept art and other stuff. We started work in 2013, and have an approximate release date on our Kickstarter page.
11 Commenti
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Ashgan8303 Luglio 2014, 18:41 #1
E la storia delle foto degli sviluppatori che in realtà sono dei modelli che si trovano su internet? Non vi fidate, è una truffa in tutto e per tutto.
D4N!3L303 Luglio 2014, 18:47 #2
In base a cosa avete dedotto che non sia una truffa? Perché ve l'hanno detto loro?
ulukaii03 Luglio 2014, 20:21 #3
Io consiglierei comunque una lettura a:

Poi ognuno è libero di mettere i suoi soldi dove vuole.
alex903 Luglio 2014, 21:00 #4
Originariamente inviato da: D4N!3L3
In base a cosa avete dedotto che non sia una truffa? Perché ve l'hanno detto loro?

ahaahah.. esattamente il mio primo pensiero. Mi meraviglio di hw upgrade...
bobby1003 Luglio 2014, 21:58 #5
Be speriamo non lo sia
Lanzus04 Luglio 2014, 09:19 #6
Ad ogni modo si sono presentati MALISSIMO con quella campagna Kickstarter.

Ma fatemi capire. Questi qui hanno intenzione di creare un nuovo engine da ZERO e nel frattempo sviluppare il gioco ? Il tutto sarebbe pronto a settembre 2015 ?!?!? Secondo me è impossibile.

I ragazzi di kingdome come hanno stimato l'uscita del loro gioco per dicembre 2015. E stanno usando il cryengine che è bello che pronto ... . Per di piu' nella loro campagna hanno mostrato un gioco in cui molti assets sono già pronti e in cui ci sono già la maggior parte degli elementi di gameplay ...

Stanno dimostrando un'ingenuità questi WG quasi imbarazzante.
Giustaf04 Luglio 2014, 10:03 #7
quale ingenuità? al 99% è una truffa bella e buona!
Ci sono mille modi per far decadere le accuse se stessero davvero lavorando al progetto, guarda caso si sono solo arrampicati sugli specchi.

Pessimo articolo comunque e con titolo forviante, come sempre del resto.
djmatrix61904 Luglio 2014, 19:29 #8
Ragazzi lasciate perdere l'articolo, anche un neonato lo farebbe meglio.

NON FINANZIATE QUESTO GIOCO, E' AL 99.9% UNA TRUFFA. Almeno aspettate se proprio siete interessati, ma per ora non mostrate nessun interesse e non fategli nemmeno pubblicità..
pzve80305 Luglio 2014, 11:48 #9
...ci aspettiamo, logicamente, anche un'intervista a Vostok game e Misery LTD...
Lanzus07 Luglio 2014, 08:32 #10
Originariamente inviato da: djmatrix619
Ragazzi lasciate perdere l'articolo, anche un neonato lo farebbe meglio.

NON FINANZIATE QUESTO GIOCO, E' AL 99.9% UNA TRUFFA. Almeno aspettate se proprio siete interessati, ma per ora non mostrate nessun interesse e non fategli nemmeno pubblicità..

Si ... anche perché stanno spuntando come funghi progetti simili.

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