Ruzzle, il perché del successo del paroliere più famoso della rete

Ruzzle, il perché del successo del paroliere più famoso della rete

In questo articolo trovate il resoconto della nostra intervista a Daniel Hasselberg, co-fondatore di Mag Interactive e product manager di Ruzzle, il paroliere che sta letteralmente facendo impazzire i giocatori italiani, e non solo!

di pubblicato il nel canale Videogames

Interview (English)

Gamemag: What are the basic elements for the success of Ruzzle? Why has surpassed other games with similar characteristics?

Daniel Hasselberg: It is very polished in all its details. We spent weeks and weeks trying to make every single detail as perfect as possible. We have also avoided adding a lot of small in app purchases and let the player have an easy choice. Free with ads or premium without ads and including statistics and more information. The sounds are also an important piece in the overall experience.


Gamemag: Why Ruzzle has become so popular in 2013, while the game was available for almost a year?

Daniel Hasselberg:Ruzzle was actually instantly popular. It is just a matter of a big world that doesn't pick up everything at the same moment. Launching an app is not like when Hollywood launches a new movie (if you are not super big and can market your game globally right away).

One week after launch in March 2012 we became #1 in Sweden and within a month we had over 1 million players. After Sweden we became #1 in Norway, Denmark and Holland. After the summer 2012 we counted over 3 million players and started to promote the game in new markets. In November the game started to pick up in Italy and Spain and we had about 6 million players in mid December.

Just before Christmas we reached critical mass (enough players started to talk about it on Facebook and Twitter for it to become truly viral) in Italy and the US. We now have over 20 million players and it looks like Switzerland and France are the next markets that will take off for Ruzzle.

Gamemag: All this popularity has allowed you to have a higher volume of in-app purchases in the last period? Yes, the more free downloads the more in-app purchases.

Daniel Hasselberg: Yes, the more free downloads the more in-app purchases.

Gamemag: How important is the social component which is the basis of Ruzzle?

Daniel Hasselberg: It is absolutely fundamental to the success of Ruzzle.

Gamemag: When Mag Interactive was founded? How many employees now has and what is its mission?

Daniel Hasselberg: We are founded 2010 and our mission is to create games that we are proud of and the makes the players want to tell their friends about.

Gamemag: How was born the idea of Ruzzle?

Daniel Hasselberg: We wanted to make a social word game, since we liked that kind of games. But we thought that the games on the market lacked a lot of stuff. They were too slow (to much wait for opponents compared to active playing) and they also lacked statistics and a clever matching of skill levels. We also thought that no existing game looked our sounded as good as we wanted it to be. So we made the word game the we wanted to have but couldn't find. I still, almost a year after launch, play Ruzzle everyday.

Gamemag: Many argue that the iOS platform is more profitable for independent game developers as Mag Interactive, because its users have a higher propensity to buy. Confirm this?

Daniel Hasselberg: When it comes to in app purchases I can confirm this. It is more frequent on iOS. The inability to pay reduces the puchase volumes on Google Play (a lot of Android users don't have credit cards and Google Play doesn't offer gift card opportunities). A good thing is that operator billing is getting more and more available and that will hopefully improve the situation. But it is not important for us that everybody buys the premium version. Ads work well as revenue source and we like the free playing users as much as the paying ones.

Gamemag: Why Ruzzle is not available on Windows Phone?

Daniel Hasselberg: We are just finalizing the Windows version. We will publish news about release date on Facebook and Twitter when it is getting a bit closer.

Gamemag: Some players complain of gaps in the Ruzzle's dictionary. We verified that the Italian dictionary is inaccurate, because sometimes lack the words that are actually exist, while in other cases the game considers valid a few words that do not exist. Are you aware of these problems? Will solve them?

Daniel Hasselberg: Yes, we are aware of this. We will update the dictionaries to improve the situation.

Gamemag: Is it possible to extend the structure of Ruzzle?

Daniel Hasselberg: We will add more features to the Ruzzle game in the future.

Gamemag:Ruzzle is about to become a TV show in Italy. What do you think about this?

Daniel Hasselberg: Sounds fun.

Gamemag: What are the next projects of Mag Interactive?

Daniel Hasselberg: Our latest game is called QuizCross. It is currently a top ten game in the Italian app store and we have more than 200.000 players already.

Later this year we will work on improving Ruzzle and also release a couple of brand new games currently in the prototype stage. 2013 will be an exciting year for MAG Interactive!

35 Commenti
Gli autori dei commenti, e non la redazione, sono responsabili dei contenuti da loro inseriti - info
ziozetti23 Gennaio 2013, 11:03 #1
La versione da tavolo di Ruzzle esiste da decenni:
Link ad immagine (click per visualizzarla)
Possibile che non sia stata brevettata?
O non è possibile brevettare un gioco?

In ogni caso è divertente, a parte le parole inventate...
heijenoort23 Gennaio 2013, 11:13 #2
Dello stesso genere esiste anche Wordament, nato su Windows Phone e poi portato anche su iPhone. Crea dipendenza
thegiox23 Gennaio 2013, 11:16 #3
almeno è un gioco che stimola mente, riflessi e conoscenza della lingua italiana
ad averne...
JackZR23 Gennaio 2013, 11:18 #4
Ruzzle ha avuto successo solo per i cheat, così i mongoli possono fare i fighi...
FA.Picard23 Gennaio 2013, 11:53 #5
Originariamente inviato da: thegiox
almeno è un gioco che stimola mente, riflessi e conoscenza della lingua italiana
ad averne...

fukka7523 Gennaio 2013, 11:58 #6
Ruzzle è giocato da tutti, giovani e adulti, insomma sfido chiunque di voi ad ammettere di non aver giocato almeno una partita a quello che è il primo fenomeno mobile del 2013


Non ho uno smartphone, ed è la prima vlta che sento parlare di 'sto giochino

Che ho vinto?
Theprov23 Gennaio 2013, 12:06 #7
Mi piace e ci gioco Anche se preferisco Words with Friends, perchè ho tutto il tempo che voglio... quel countdown mi mette ansia
banaz23 Gennaio 2013, 12:15 #8
anche io ne ero entusista all'inizio, disinstallato ieri sera dopo che per la terza volta (in poco più di 50 partite totali) ho avuto lo stesso schema di lettere

non c'è piu divertimento se dopo tot partite ti ricapitano sempre le stesse, non credo ci voglia questo gran algoritmo per avere schemi sempre diversi: alla fine ho potenzialmente 21^16 combinazioni che sono mooolte, ok togliamo quelle di sole consonanti, anche fossero(ipotesi di minimo di 6 vocali per schema) 6^5+15^10 sono comunque miliardi e miliardi...non è possibile che in quasi 200 schemi io me ne sia ritrovati 3 identici(e con gli stessi bonus pure!!!)
Raven23 Gennaio 2013, 12:31 #9
Prima di qualche minuto fa non avevo nemmeno idea dell'esistenza de 'sto giochino... ma dopotutto non ho ancora uno smartphone, quindi...
Mizu23 Gennaio 2013, 12:37 #10
E' semplicemente una moda alimentata dal passaparola.
A me personalmente non piace e preferisco giocare al più completo scrabble, che si trova negli store col nome di "angry words" (si può giocare anche su facebook dal pc).
Ruzzle invece si può giocare anche con chrome su pc, installandolo nel web store.

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