No Man's Sky avrà il supporto alla VR

Questo varrà sia per la versione PC del gioco che per quella PlayStation 4. Il supporto alla VR arriverà sotto forma di aggiornamento gratuito per tutti i possessori del gioco originale
di Rosario Grasso pubblicata il 27 Marzo 2019, alle 12:41 nel canale VideogamesSonyPlaystationPlaystation VRSteam
39 Commenti
Gli autori dei commenti, e non la redazione, sono responsabili dei contenuti da loro inseriti - infoCome ottimale io considero il continuo aggiornare un titolo che poteva anche essere lasciato affogare, questo vuol dire aver utilizzato i guadagni al limite del lecito (anche se è esagerato) per lavorare su una situazione controversa e non per andare alle Maldive.
Semmai hanno messo sul mercato (e per me non è vero) un prodotto incompleto, come succede al 99% dei videogiochi. Per poi continuare a lavorarci rilasciando numerosi update gratuiti (e questo succede per l'1% dei videogiochi) che non solo hanno portato nel gioco tutte le presunte promesse mancate al lancio, ma molto, molto, molto di più.
Quoto, io infatti non lo comprai all'epoca così nessuno mi ha rubato nulla. Quando ho visto che l'andazzo era buono ed erano usciti già diversi update l'ho acquistato.
Gli scottati del D1 ci sono sempre e il bello è che spesso sono sempre gli stessi che continuano a commettere lo stesso errore reiteratamente.
comunque linko questo;sh=e2183c29 trovato nei commenti di un articolo di hwupgrade
per me è finita qui, ognuno è libero di pensarla come preferisce
Quel reddit è di due anni fa (cioè risale a NMS 1.2, forse)
No Mans Sky ha ricevuto dal lancio 45 update gratuiti, questo è quello che hanno aggiunto i 7 più importanti finora. Il resto sono chiacchiere e fake news.
Fixed technology becoming instantly fully charged when repaired
Fixed ship appearing on incorrect pad in space station after loading
Added interactable objects that required certain tech to collect
Added shootable objects that require certain tech to mine
Rebalanced resource availability and technology charge requirements
Fixed initial game flow – where travelling to space too quickly after visiting the monolith could prevent the first atlas station notification appearing
Prevented player being prompted to scan for buildings before leaving the system after visiting the monolith
Prevented laser and melee attacks while in space from attempting to edit terrain
Improved calculation of resources received when mining terrain
Renamed Signal Scanners to Signal Boosters
Signal booster objects updated to search for playable bases, suit upgrade pods, and mineable resources
Removed signal booster from being distributed on terrain, as player can now build them
Improved accuracy of environment detection, fixing cases where it rained inside caves
Fixed galactic waypoints not loading correctly across saves
Removed atlas pass v1 requirement from doors in stations
Suit upgrade pods are no longer spawned in stations
Suit upgrade pods can now only be used once
Fixed collision in anomaly that was causing issues when exiting larger ships
Increased the number of different NPC character models generated per system
Fixed the game always remaining in day time for players who began their save prior to patch 1.03
Fixed a potential crash in foliage instance renderer
Fixed stats page in asian languages
Fixed multiple issues with asian language formatting
Multiple improvements and fixes to localisation text in all languages
Added new icons for specific types of primary resources
Fixed health bars not appearing on some targets
Added hazard and life support drain indicators
Fixed mission messages not appearing in a timely fashion
Beacons now notify the player that they will save the game
Fixed crash when creature IK animations were updated under certain conditions on the discovery screen
Improved navigation in discovery UI
Massive speed improvements to browsing huge discovery lists
Increased size of discovery storage
Added option to load “Earliest” previous save in Options menu
Fixed weapon naming
Added icon to remind players of the reload button when weapon is empty
Multiple fixes for viewing discoveries
Added photo mode
Large optimisations to the engine to accommodate base building
Added support for up to 8 mouse buttons
Fixed better order position history for mouse smoothing
Fixed bug where setting gamma to zero gave a fully bright rather than fully dark image
Fixed hard-limiting on save sizes, with appropriate warning about free space on boot
Player is now notified when shaders are being loaded
Fixed occasional crash on exit
Fixed performance of trail renderer for some AMD cards
Large optimisations to the engine to accommodate base building
Added biome specific plants
Adopted new method of distributing resource plants on terrain, for more lifelike clumps of plants
Improved distribution of plant life across all terrain types
Introduced visual differentiation of red, green and blue star systems
Introduced new mineable terrain resources found only in red, green and blue star systems
Reduced average building frequency
Introduced planets with elevated building density
Introduced planets with no buildings or sentient life
Increased the proportion of lush and tropical planets
Decreased the proportion of lifeless planets
Fixed bug where multiple ships could appear, overlapping, at the player’s start scene
Prevented certain building types being incorrectly placed underwater
Prevented multiple buildings occasionally being placed in overlapping positions
Prevented buildings occasionally being placed intersecting with the terrain
Improved and altered per-planet terrain resource generation, improving gameplay and visuals
Fixed elevation cache mismatches, causing errors in creature knowledge and pathing
Fixed slow memory leak in creature role allocation
Improved creature animation speeds
Fixed issues where some creatures turns had the incorrect frame count
Fixed occasional crash when interacting with creatures
Increased proportion of vibrant blue skies
Corrected cloud levels for clear skies
Improved average cloud level settings
Fixed cloud rendering while flying in your ship
Improved atmosphere depth when transitioning to space
Increased fidelity of atmosphere rendering on nearest planet
Improved atmospheric fog as you fly to a planet
Improved fog method for planets seen on the horizon
Improved terrain generation algorithms
Improved and extended blend areas between different terrain noise types
Terrains now generate more open spaces
Smaller features now appear at nearer lods to improve visuals in the distance
Fixed objects being placed on incorrect terrain material types
Improved resolution of distant planet terrain
Decreased differences between planet as seen from space and actual planet terrain
Fixed seams on planets when seen from space
Improvements to terrain material selection and terrain material blending
Terrain generation priority and cost calculation improvements
Fixed terrain generation angle calculations, which would previously prevent nearest region being generated first
We now generate caves on lower terrain lods to decrease visual differences in lower detail terrain
Introduced more varied and vibrant colouring to terrain for each biome
Decreased frequency of brown terrain colour selections
Changed texture scales to improve transition between terrain lods
Improved terrain colour combinations to add variety and better match terrain contouring
Improved terrain texture blending method to better retain vibrant colours
Improved settings for hue, saturation and value noise variation on terrain
Fixed a number of issues causing holes to be seen in the planet terrain
Fixed occasional crash when mining terrain
Fixed colour of muzzle flashes on player weapons
Added muzzle flashes to ship weapons
Added cockpit lighting for damage and weapon firing
Added debris to freighter explosion effect
Improved freighter cargo explosions
Improved photon cannon hit and space explosion effects
Improved turret explosion effect
Improved grass colour selection
Improved grass colouring method to match underlying terrain colour
Improved grass placement to match gradient of terrain, and rocky terrain slope patches
Improved lighting on grass
Improved alpha cutoffs and blending for grass in the distance
Improved colouring method for on-planet buildings
Fixed “pop” in lighting when flying between planets
Fixed incorrect lighting seen in shadow areas
Improved lighting method when rendering tree leaves
Fixed procedural texturing on objects with multiple overlapping textures
Fixed size of certain texture atlas normal maps
Fixed texture scaling on asteroids
Zinc plant is now more obvious when it has been gathered
Fixed occasional rendering errors due to precision on cockpit during warp
Fixed pulse lines not appearing when pulse driving out from planet atmosphere
Fixed shadowing artefacts on imposters
Improved asteroids to allow much denser fields
Improved explosion effects
Fixed scale of moons on the space map
Added freighter groups to the space map
Changed distribution of resources in asteroids
AI ships will now clear asteroids in their path
Planets are now scannable from space to see their resources
Fixed bounty targets warping out too soon
Improved HUD indicators in space combat
Added damaged ship effect on AI starships
Added formation flying
Improved locking on passive starships
Improved AI combat flight patterns
Added new ship weapon technology
Holding brake whilst turning now activates drift for fast turns
Improved AI ship freighter attacking
Improved freighter targeting code when under attack by enemy ships
Fixed pulse drive to prevent travel through freighters
Improved docking code
Added hangar to the lead freighter
Added docking in freighters
Added icon to accessible freighter hangars
Added colouring to cargo drops to identify what is in them
You can now only pick up cargo drops that will fit in your inventory
Added auxiliary freight ships to freighter groups
Added alert lights and alarm audio for when freighters are in combat
Improved turret lights and explosions
Improved muzzle flashes on freighter turrets
Added indicator of cargo contents
Freighter Commanders now give rewards for rescuing them from pirate attack
Fixed collision on freighter cargo containers
Updated the lush ambience to make the wind sounds less noisy
Ambient background fauna now checks for the presence of creatures
Added rain on foliage
Added rain on ship
Added freighter specific footsteps
When on a dead planet, no music will play
Round table prop now plays an appropriate sound
Added more music to the loading sequence and game start
Added audio to new base building props
Created sounds for new base building props
Added audio to freighter doors and internal freighter ambiences
Added freighter explosions
Added freighter alarm
Added ambient radio comms when approaching a freighter
Fixed missing sounds when in a space station due to the mix settings
Multi-tool upgrades now affect audio
Lots of minor mix changes
Changed some compression settings for PS4 audio to make the sub-channel audio play more reliably
50% more generative soundscapes
Additional game loading and game start music
Added multi-room base ambiences
More detailed rain system, including room dependent and indoor window rain
Added indoor storm ambience
Changes to reverb system
Fix for a flood of sounds which could occur during the tutorial
Improved ship landing code
Fixed AI ships appearing in the air with landing gear deployed
Ship weapons operate using a new multi-mode system
Fix for being able to spawn freighters underground while you are jetpacking
Prevent all docking points in stations, freighters and outposts being taken by AI ships
Fixed issue where ships could occasionally become invisible
Fixed an issue where spawning into a freighter in near-planet orbit would occasionally place the player underground
Freighter containers now drop less Titanium, Thamium and Copper
Freighter containers now have a chance to drop Nanite Clusters
Traders can now drop Nanite Clusters
Traders no longer drop Copper or Iron
Reduced camera shake whilst taking hits in space combat
Reduced pirate damage in survival mode
Reduced damage on ship laser
Tweaked ship exit animations to improve player placement
Added damage and resource numbers in combat and when mining, toggleable in the Options menu
Allow multiple weapon types on the multitool
Free weapons and ships now have broken slots
Recruit NPCs have more descriptive names
Fixed holes appearing in high detail terrain regions
Made player respawn positioning more robust
Introduced new growable plant type
Fixed slow memory leak in material effects
Removed several minor memory leaks on warp
Boosted shield recharge rate whilst in caves slightly
BoltCaster Rate of Fire and Laser Mining Speed upgrades are now known from start. Tweaked build requirements so that both are possible to build on player’s first planet
Drones now drop small amount of zinc on destruction
Reduced amount of platinum from depots
Fixed Vy’Keen depots dropping titanium instead of platinum
Improved balance of hazards on Scorched and Frozen planets
Reworked NPC secondary interactions to give you standing in exchange for offerings
Reduced the amount of tech given by NPCs. In most cases they will now reward tech fragments instead of blueprints
Reduced the amount of tech available for NPC reward
Fixed projectiles shooting through certain unmineable substances
Adjusted space stations to minimise cases where NPCs intersect with the environment
Fixed issue where the suit upgrade chamber would occasionally disappear
Fixed NPC terminals and ladders being removed from the central room of bases after the player leaves
Moved snap points for the glass corridor to be correctly grid aligned
Galactic Terminals now have consistent pricing, regardless of where in a base they are added
Fixed plants not being removed after removing the planter below them
Deleting a room now refunds not only the room itself, but also its contents
Fixed some plants and rocks not being removed when placing down a base building part
Fixed the colour of the base terminal light occasionally resetting to red
Terminals no longer can be build over windows in the central room
Fixed base building colours becoming corrupt under specific circumstances
Fixed some NPC missions counting the number of parts in your base incorrectly
Fixed landing pad not snapping correctly to some parts
Fixed issues where resource harvester would fail to gather resources
Left mouse button and right trigger can now be used to build
Fixed various precision problems with building in freighters
Fixed some cases where grenades would fail to edit the terrain
Organised parts in the base building menu to be more intuitive
Added animation within the Quick Menu
Changed the hyperdrive stat to be measured in Light Years
Opening the menu will now return to the last page you viewed
Added a new Tech stat section to the Tech info popup
Improved mouse smoothing
Improved mouse sensitivity
Clearer and more detailed multitool, ship and freighter comparison screen
Fixed flickering transition between Inventory and Options Menu pages
Reduced number of menu options requiring a button to be held rather than pressed
Improved responsiveness of button holding
Fixed a bug in the options menu where the title bar would flicker
Improvements to discovery timeline UI
Added “Set Waypoint” option to the solar system pop-up
Improved alignment at aspect ratios other than 16:9
Prevented player notifications showing up during credits and redeem screen
Fixed issue whether error messages would be shown for charging and repairing before the options had been selected
Increased icon resolutions to support play at 4k resolutions
Fullscreen effects are now correctly displayed when entering a hazard
Disabled the quick menu while warping between systems
Removed obsolete Generation Detail option in settings
Updated display of new discoveries to be clearer and more readable
Fixed some Japanese and Russian localisation issues and text overlap
Made cinematic black bars less frequent and obtrusive
Made is so cinematic black bars can be dismissed
Race standing is now displayed on the journey milestone page
Fixed various windows occasionally appearing partially offscreen
New visuals and backgrounds on mode select, options and inventory screens
Reduced banding artifacts on some metallic surfaces
Fixed seam artifacts on some normal maps
Fixed shadows being too black over water on certain planets
Fixed very occasional errant black geometry in space
Improved performance of water rendering
Improved performance in forward rendering passes
Improved performance in spotlight rendering
Fixed some issues with flickering lights
Correctly oriented IBL map, fixing several lighting issues
Fixed issue where vertex displacement would glitch when walking between regions
Support for Intel HD Graphics 530, 540, 550, 580, 630, 640, 650
Reduced banding artifacts in gamma correction on some GPUs
Escape key now goes directly to the quit options page
Improved and expanded Steam Controller mapping
Support For PS4 Pro 4K Rendering
Support For PS4 Pro Delta Colour Compression
Support For PS4 Pro automatic Depth Buffer decompression
Increased variety in weather, planet and structure names
More base building parts have unique names
Prevented trees spawning on sheer cliffs
Improved object placement on slopes
Improved grass placement and density
Changed the default starting ship model
Regenerated galaxy to remove differences between survival, normal and creative game modes
Improved building distribution
Increased distribution of heridium deposits
Improved generation of beaches along shorelines
Repositioned player bases to accommodate generation changes
Improved balance of hazards between planets
Improved settings for hazard damage and strength
Reduce cave hazard recharge times
Added Shielding Shard to the starting player inventory
Limited the depth at which buildings can spawn underwater
More tech available in tech shops
Balanced tech shop standing requirements
Standing lights have a proper name when you interact with them
Increased robustness of systems for locating buildings
Increased number and types of objects which can be scanned
Increased information available about scanned foliage and creatures
Improved planet resource lists
Craftable products now sorted by most recent use
Improved differentiation of weapons
Fixed pinning product recipes and technology guides
Continued story unlocked through abandoned buildings
Added interactions and dialogue options for many structures and characters
Overhauled secondary character interactions
Joint exploration has been introduced allowing 16 players to see visual representations of each other in game. Joint exploration does not require PS Plus, and is not currently available on GOG Galaxy.
Alloys, farm products and new gas products now form separate branches of a larger craft tree
Added new valuable higher tier craft products
Added new harvester to harvest atmospheric gases
Added new trade specific products
Added new farmable “Star Bramble” plant
Added larger 4 plant hydroponic tray
Increased contrast between picked and unpicked resource plants to more easily tell them apart
Balanced priced of alloys, farm products and gases
Improved distributions of resources on planets
Improved scan ranges for resources on planets
Added scan markers on more smaller plutonium crystals to aid resource gathering
Balanced freighter prices
Fixed collision on freighter bridge
Added freighter classes
Added ability to warp in your freighter
Fixed floating turrets on capital freighters
Improved space heavy air
Added requirement to scan planets in order to reveal their names
Improved planet name display as you enter orbit
Fix for massive carve radius when mining asteroids
Updated galactic map UI
Improved galactic map controls
Improved star names gathered in galaxy map flythrough
Improved distribution of different coloured stars
Added interstellar scan events
Added ability to summon your ship from the quick menu
Refined ship reticules
Added new holographic cockpit HUD elements: mini map, pulse drive warning and target ship
Added new ship technology
Balanced space combat
Balanced ship weapons and technology
Updated ship weapon projectile effects
Updated ship hit direction markers
Improved flare graphics on ships
Improved loot containers dropped by AI ships
Improved effects on damaged AI ships
Balanced crashed ships broken slots and repair costs
Added a more convenient swap inventory button for moving items between new/crashed ships and storage units
Updated design of Atlas pass icons
Added ability to look around the cockpit when landed
Allowed player to remain in ship cockpit after landing
Improved spawning and distribution of AI ships
Improved ship altimeter
Added in-ship communicator
Added button prompt for ship zoom
Fixed a bug where your ship could become invisible by visiting the galactic map
Improved Pirate systems including the ability to negotiate or call in support
Added low flight mode
Improved landing code
Divided options menu into several pages
Revised Journey page
New Gek, Korvax and Vy’keen medals
New medals for the merchant, mercenary and explorer guilds
Revised log page
Fixed animation on markers as they are removed
Improved binocular UI
Updated journey milestone icons
Overhauled discovery log
Added cardinal directions to compass
Added distance markers to compass
Fix for “redeem content” showing twice on Steam menu
New trade and product icons
Revised combat ship markers
Improved ship tracking arrows when flying away from targets
Overhauled conversation interface
Improved HBAO filtering around edges
Improved TAA handling of grass blade edges
Introduced depth of field effect during interactions
Added LOD meshes and imposters to various props
Fixed texturing on the buildable door
Reduced HBAO shimmer
Reduced shadow acne
Fixed artifacts with imposter shadows
Improved double-sided normals for foliage
Improved terrain texturing and texture blending
Improved grass colour blending and integration with terrain
Improved grass and leaf materials
Improved colour palettes across several biomes
Improved planet night skies
Fixed z-fighting on small glowing plants
Various graphics optimisations and fixes
Visual improvements to Atlas stations
Replaced all terrain textures with higher detail and quality variants
Added new higher detail foliage variants to several biomes
Upgraded textures on several cave props
Four new sets of soundscapes by 65 Days of Static
Reworked space combat audio
Reworked space explosions
Added new ship weapon sounds
Added weird biome soundscape
Added new music and sound effects for story mode
Lots of new UI sounds
Minor mix changes and optimisations
Various minor language fixes and improvements
Third person camera for walking, jetpacking, swimming and in-ship flight
New player models
Completely reworked animation system
New animations for players, as well as NPCs and creatures
System and animations for gestures
Character customisation
Player character turns to look at points of interest
New get in / out of vehicle effect
Interactions show the player character where appropriate
Warping in ship is in third person
Resized various deployable tech to better fit third person mode
Real time missions
Scheduled missions
Multiplayer missions
Completely overhauled tutorial
New mission types – photography, feeding, freighter combat, archaeology, and specialised hunting missions
Guild envoy missions
Bases can be built anywhere
Players can own multiple bases
Hundreds of new base parts
Increased base complexity / size limits
Joint base building
Improved teleporting and selection between teleport destinations
Improved terrain editor modes and options to be more intuitive
Toned down saturation intensity of palette choices for colouring base building parts
Base terrain editing now stops when you hit the limit rather than overwriting old edits
Bases can now be deleted
Improved system for placing base building parts
Increased base building radius and made it expandable
Disabled base auto uploading, and added manual controls
Enabled downloading more than one external base from other players
Frigate fleets feature – including missions, upgrade system, system combat and exploration assistance
Overhauled base building inside player freighters
Reworked and added procedural textures to freighter bridge hologram planet
Redesigned path from freighter hangar to bridge
Improved speed of airlock doors opening on freighters
Reworked and rebalanced all core substances and resources
Deployable tech can now be picked up
Added refiner based crafting system
Added Craftable ammunition
Improved damage falloff on mining beam
Additional markers visible in analysis visor
Points of interest can be tagged from analysis visor
Latitude / longitude displayed on analysis visor
Improved HUD layout
HUD lines dynamically hidden with the corresponding UI elements
Improved notification layout
Improved build menu
Improved quick menu
Inventory stack splitting
New repair interface
All player owned ships can now be summoned
Added system for repairing damaged inventory slots
Backpack showing in your inventory will now match customised character backpack
Backpack bars display hazard protection and life support
In-ship map now highlights enemies
Improved docking indicators when flying
Completely reworked shop UI
Nanites no longer take up inventory slots
Scanning ships shows their slot count
Save slots are now sorted by timestamp
Galaxy map can show multiple markers for each system
Added dynamic suit protection inventory icon
Inventory full notifications now take into account cargo slots
Fixed camera voxel to star voxel in Galactic map
Can pin base building recipes on the HUD
Added danger icons to tentacle plants
Improved tech and product pinning, with more detailed guides to obtaining the build requirements
Improved compass
Improved HUD marker icons for objects of interest
Added multiplayer text chat on PC
Improved fog and increased draw distance
New terrain generation system for improved navigability and more varied earth-like and alien landscapes
Reduced situations where cave props can be spawned above ground
Improved particle systems fading out over distance
Added support for extremely large biome props
Improved and increased variety of clouds and cloud shadows seen from space
Improved planet surface rendering from space
Improved terrain lods and visuals when flying in from space
Improved colour selection during planet generation
Improved sky and fog colour selection
Tightened triplanar texture blend areas
New colour mapping system to create more varied and atmospheric visuals
Improved tree density
Tree size variation
Added empty systems, with no current inhabitants
Added abandoned systems, with derelict space stations
Improved storm visuals
Improved textures for ship, NPCs, and buildings
Added planetary ring system
Increased asteroids density in space
Improved space visuals
Added support for larger bodies of water
Character shadows for first person gameplay
Adjusted TAA settings to reduce shadow blurring on terrain
Added particle effect when flying above water
Splash particle effects
Inventory and pause menu now uses depth of field to blur in-game camera
Balanced intensity of lights in the Atlas station
Updated model of hologram backpack in suit upgrade chamber
Improved water surface and foam shaders
Improved water reflections to better match terrain
Improved imposter visuals and lighting to better match nearby objects
Switched object and terrain fading to use Blue Noise to give smoother transitions
Improved compression on some textures generated in-game
Improved terrain texture blending and selection
Improved sand and cave colour selection
Improved beach blending and visuals
Brightened cave interiors, especially at night
Improved storm effect fading as you enter buildings
Added gun model for ships
New high quality tree models and textures
Fixed an issue with landing pad UVs
Improved drone, quad and walker models
New drone texture effects
Added more varied underwater and underground objects
Improved appearance of Gravitino Balls
Major improvements to biome object placement
Improved crystal placement
Improved marker distances for gameplay props
Added terrain objects which cannot be destroyed by player ships
Improved colours, brightness, saturation of creature textures
Tweaked rock textures
Improved scale of underground objects
Tweaked poison blob particle effects
Improved cave biome glowing plant lights
Optimised cave biome prop performance
Improved bushes and underwater plants
Improved asteroid texture balance
Improved abandoned slimey diffuse colours
Improved under-foot dust effects
Improved heavy air in caves
Improved scale of gameplay plants
Improved toxic grass diffuse texture
Tweaked mountain fragments on certain biomes
Improved vertex displacement on flags to make them wave nicer
Improved smoke and damage effects on ships and distress beacons
Modified frequency of wordstones, crates, underground props and damaged machinery
Improved rare gem collection effect
Improved ship trail effects
New engine effect for ships
Overhauled space station interior
New space station marketplace
New style for stairs in space station
Redesigned look of teleporter in space station
Added variation to building interior layouts and props
Added a small ramp to the drop pod for easier access
Improved building frequency
Added LOD system for base building parts to increase draw distances and complexities
New underground ruins building type
Buried technology modules and blueprint analysis
Overhauled signal booster and navigation data input
Procedurally generated technology
Procedurally generated products
Improved creature pathfinding
Improved creature response to feeding
Herd behaviour for creatures
Improved scales and maximum sizes of creatures
Improved sentinel drone behaviour, proximity indicator and escape gameplay
Improved matching of creature body parts to their role
Coprite improvements
New hazardous fauna
New hazardous flora
Improved scan ranges for biome specific plants
Added new armoured drone type
Must use the terrain editor to mine resource deposits
Improved Colossus speed and fuel tanks / consumption
Different ship classes use different amounts of launch fuel
New name generation system for planets / ships / weapons / creatures
Increased variety in creature descriptions
Nada + Polo’s tasks are now tracked in the Mission Log
Fancier descriptions for planetary weather conditions
Changed starting Exosuit inventory size
Increased the number of Exosuit cargo slots available to purchase
Increased crafted item stack size in the Exosuit to 5
Climbing traversal more challenging and rewarding
Added ability to slide down cliffs
Player movement is more dynamic
Air resistance simulation for jetpack navigation
Multi-tool manual holstering / unholstering
Ship weapons can be used against ground targets
Splash damage added to ship weapons when used against ground targets
Improved low level flight, with destruction of terrain objects with which you collide
Fixed jitter on physics debris pieces
Stopped player colliding with tiny rocks on scorched biomes
Crit points on sentinel drones and quads
Combat scope module for the Multi-Tool
Personal forcefield module for the Multi-Tool
New grenade types
Improved weapon alternative mode, also with better HUD display
Sentinel drones can repair quads and walkers in battle
Improved sentinel quadruped behaviour, pouncing, evade
Improved walker behaviour with different attack modes
Extra armour plating added to sentinels arriving in combat
Fixed placement of off-planet markers and improved pulse drive flight towards marked destinations
Updated creature vocals
New third person foley for player and NPCs
Additional loading music and a new track when starting normal mode
Revised ship engine sounds
Added low flying ship sounds
Revised underwater sounds
Improved combat audio and overhauled Quad and Walker audio
New NPC vocals
New Frigate audio
Fixed a number of issues with atmospherics and water rendering on the horizon
Fixed text clipping issues in some languages
Fixed certain cases where opening the settings menu silently changed resolution
Fixes for several uncommon out of memory crashes
Fixed transition between lighting when flying to space
Fixed and improved a number of situations for flattening terrain around buildings
Fixed cases where terrain tiles could be missing or slow to appear while flying around or into planet
Fixed crashed freighters having underground treasure too low to mine down to
Prevented dead planets ever having atmospheres
Prevented some story-critical buildings being placed underwater
Fixed lighting issues with double sided leaf shaders
Fixed repetitive tiling textures on some foliage leaves
Fixed issues with loading some particularly large saves
Fix for superconductive lock bug
Voice chat quality and reliability improvements
Fixed scan events for players who have managed to go off-grid
Fix for edited terrain regions repeatedly regenerating themselves unnecessarily
Fixed rocks showing up as the wrong colour on frozen biomes
Fix occasional hang in asynchronous IO
Fixes for non-instance LODs
Added geometry streaming system
Made numerous memory savings to improve overall stability
Made the damaged machinery turn off the sparks and smoke effect when you have finished the interaction
Rebalanced AI ship damage
Balanced ship to ground target damage
High performance(1440p) and High Quality(2160p) rendering modes added for Xbox One X
Made numerous grass and foliage rendering optimisations
Optimised per-frame renderer memory usage
Optimised various engine components using async compute
Various optimisations
Various miscellaneous bug fixes
DEVELOPMENT UPDATE 5 (Exocrafts) 1.63
Added a new Exocraft, the Pilgrim. Purchase the blueprints for the Pilgrim Geobay from a Blueprint Analyser.
Added an Exocraft Summoning Station that once built on a planet, allowing all owned exocraft to be summoned from anywhere on that planet. Purchase the blueprints for the Exocraft Summoning Station from a Blueprint Analyser.
Increased the inventory size of all Exocraft.
Increased the base speed of the Colossus.
Added upgrade modules for the Exocraft, similar to the modules available for ships, Multi-Tools and the Exosuit. Upgrade Modules are purchasable for Nanites from the Exocraft Technician once their quest chain is complete. Modifiable stats include top speed, boost power, fuel efficiency, gun damage and more.
Expanded the Exocraft Quick Menu options to allow all owned and in-range Exocraft to be summoned, not just the current primary Exocraft.
Added the ability to customise your Exocraft with unique paint, decals and boost particle options.
Added specific technology to customise Exocraft handling, allowing drivers to spec their vehicles for grip or drift.
Added a speedometer display to the HUD while driving an Exocraft.
Fixed a number of issues with vehicle races, particularly in multiplayer.
Fixed an issue where Exocraft with laser upgrades could still not mine substances that required an Advanced Mining Laser.
Fixed an issue where Exocraft could not mine terrain resources.
Fixed an issue where the Race Initiator was not available at the Blueprint Analyser.
Improved the performance of terrain tessellation on PC (EXPERIMENTAL).
Improved the visuals when highlighting objects with the Analysis Visor.
Fixed an issue where players could not lose a 5-Star wanted level.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Blaze Javelin from firing while zoomed in with the Combat Scope.
Fixed an issue where players who were on the other side of a portal at the launch of NEXT would see their portal return marker in an invalid position.
Fixed an issue where NPCs could use the wrong audio.
Fixed an issue where frigate cargo would be lost if inventory space wasn’t available upon landing on the frigate.
Fixed an issue where expedition upgrades were not refunded when the expedition was cancelled.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to land on frigates owned by other people in multiplayer.
Added the ability to cycle between frigates when viewing the fleet.
Fixed an issue where freighters could not be purchased with other players on board.
Fleets can now be seen from the planet surface.
Fixed an issue where frigates would revert their colours to blue and white.
Added display of planetary coordinates to starship dashboard.
Fixed a number of issues with player position being saved incorrectly while on the other side of a portal in multiplayer.
Fixed an issue that caused players returning to a Base Computer via a teleporter to spawn inside the Base Computer mesh and be violently ejected.
Fixed an issue where players were being asked to build a beacon for the Base Scientist but didn’t know the blueprint.
Fixed an issue that could cause Delivery missions to require the wrong substance at the hand-in step.
Fixed an issue that could cause missions that involved bribery to request an invalid item as the bribe.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Atmosphere Harvester to collect an invalid substance on specific rare biomes.
Fixed an issue that could cause Atmosphere Harvesters (and other similar remote gathering technology) to run out of fuel and empty its collection hopper when the player left the system.
Fixed an issue that could cause Automated Mining Units to mine an incorrect substance from terrain resource deposits.
Fixed an issue that caused base building warning messages to be displayed immediately after correctly constructing a building.
Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Find nearest building’ signal booster option to find only buildings of the same type as the nearest building.
Starships will now be placed upon available landing pads when teleporting back to the player’s base.
Fixed a number of other issues affecting starship landing and collision.
Fixed an issue that could allow multiple starships to be docked on the same landing pad in multiplayer.
Non-primary player ships are returned to the freighter when the freighter is called in, preventing them becoming permanently lost or broken.
Further improved the system to remove irrelevant bases from the teleport list.
Fixed an issue that could cause starship engines to sound too loud.
Fixed an issue that could cause the camera to swing wildly when launching the starship.
Prevented Quick Menu hotkeys from taking effect while other UI panels are open (eg during text chat).
Fixed a crash related to the Quick Menu.
Fixed an Xbox One-specific crash in networking.
Fixed a crash in AI ship behaviour.
Fixed a crash in the terrain system when reloading an autosave.
Fixed an issue that could cause poor performance on the Discoveries menu.
Fixed an issue that could cause excess memory usage on some AMD systems.
Increased the diversity of underwater biomes.
Improved character movement in the water.
Improved surface swimming.
Improved swimming for customised characters.
Allowed the torch to be used underwater.
Improved underwater and swimming cameras.
Improved camera behaviour when approaching the surface of the water.
Added support for jetpacking underwater.
Increased the probability of oxygen spawning as a secondary resource underwater.
Increased the depths at which underwater buildings can spawn.
Prevented drones spawning underwater or following you deep underwater.
Added underwater only emotes.
Improved underwater character and swimming audio.
Improved underwater prop placement and object densities.
Improved terrain editing underwater and fixed an issue where it could rapidly propel the player upwards.
Improved colours of the water surface, and underwater effects.
Improved foam effect at the edges of water and objects.
Fixed an issue where a line could be seen round underwater objects and the underwater horizon.
Improved water visuals at night.
Removed a hard pixelated edge seen at the edge of water.
Improved detection of whether the player is inside a building while underwater.
Improved general fish shoal behaviour.
Increased spawn rates of fish and creatures underwater.
Improved predatory fish movement and behaviour.
Improved logic for spawning and despawning underwater creatures.
Improved movement of underwater cow and rodent type creatures.
Improved and added to fish and underwater creature audio.
Added jellyfish, clams, crabs, and abyssal horrors.
Disabled censorship in text chat between friends.
Added more options to the inventory transfer menu.
Removed unnecessary UI data to improve load times and memory footprint.
Disabled resizing the terrain beam at times when it cannot be used.
Fixed cases where quick menu items were incorrectly highlighted.
Fixed issues with vehicle inventory transfers.
Fixed the hazard icons for protection tech against secondary hazards.
Fixed a crash caused by opening the inventory while using the ship communicator.
Improved ordering of some objects in the building menu.
Fixed a clipping issue in the binocular UI.
Fixed an occasional crash in the character customiser.
Various minor text and localisation fixes and improvements.
Added the chance for abandoned buildings, ruins, crashed freighters, and crashed starships to spawn underwater.
Fixed an issue where players could fall through storage room walls.
Allowed storage rooms to be placed in a grid layout.
Made minor improvements to the indoor camera.
Corrected volume of NPC speech inside player bases.
Fixed an issue where shop terminals placed in bases could cause certain rooms to be hidden.
Altered limits on building some objects rewarded through the Quicksilver bot.
Added a new underwater shelter building.
Added over a dozen new base parts.
Improved spawning of frigates in multiplayer games when players are onboard them.
Fixed an issue where the players ships would incorrectly appear in a new system after warping.
Fixed cases where specific frigates would always take the same type of damage.
Fixed an issue where multiple fleet missions would automatically be handed in simultaneously.
Added ability to scan frigates and freighters using the Analysis Visor.
Added ability for players to repair their friends’ frigates.
Fixed issues with characters on the freighter after the player is gifted it.
Prevented dust being permanently active on frigate landing pads.
Improved ejecting from your ship in confined spaces, prevented being launched through low hanging ceilings and anomaly walls.
Improved positioning of players getting out of ships and respawning on landing pads.
Fixed an issue where frigates failed to reset their resource collection after giving resources to the player.
Fixed a crash caused by the anomaly in certain systems.
Added a marker for off-screen black holes.
Made frigate icons less intrusive.
Prevented the anomaly being re-summoned if it is already present.
Added ability to detect planets with water from the galactic map.
Fixed an issue where the player could not land their ship after switching missions while looking at a mission marker.
Added a vehicle shop to the space station.
Fixed issues where players could be stuck in ship landing pads.
Added the Dreams of the Deep mission.
Added a new story to underwater ruins.
Added a number of new aquatic substances, goods, and products.
Improved the return marker on portals the player has travelled through.
Fixed an issue where some missions would always give an identical reward.
Improved ability for missions to select locations to send you to from small clusters of buildings.
Fixed an issue where protection tech would only drain for one hazard at a time.
Reduced the radius on the vehicle gun to ensure particles spawn at the contact point.
Improved vehicle boost effect colours.
Disabled the find building ability in the vehicle’s default scan, as it has been replaced by an improved scan.
Removed decals from the default vehicle, allowing player to add them.
Improved colours of vehicle decals.
Fixed cases where birds would fly into the ground.
Improved rodent tail animation.
Improved creature scanning in multiplayer.
Fixed an issue where filters for creature part generation were not correctly applying to all genders.
Fixed an issue where biological horrors could become non-hostile after attacking an exocraft.
Improved shader uniform resolution on PC, a performance optimisation.
Fixed an issue where there could be a long pause on a black screen when booting into the game.
Improved multiplayer permissions for lobby use.
Changed default multiplayer permissions to be more permissive in Creative Mode.
Fixed various infrequent crashes.
Implemented various performance, system and stability fixes.
Fixed an issue where players could be prevented from earning a free freighter in the tutorial.
Allowed the Dreams of the Deep mission to detect if the a Nautilon Chamber had been built nearby before the mission started.
Fixed an issue where missions that visited trade terminals could advance without their objective being completed.
Fixed an issue that prevented higher level Aeration Membrane upgrade modules from appearing in the Space Station tech shops.
Fixed an issue that prevented Freighter Hyperdrive upgrade modules from appearing in the Space Station tech shops.
Fixed an issue where players could fail to learn the Living Glass blueprint at the correct time.
Fixed an issue where players could fail to learn the Exocraft Boost blueprint at the correct time.
NipNip blueprints can now be acquired from the Base farmer after their mission chain is complete.
Fixed an issue where NPCs awarding procedurally generated upgrade modules would select from an insufficiently random pool.
Fixed an issue that prevented some doors + items that require Atlas Pass v1 from accepting v2 or v3.
Adjusted the behaviour of wanted level timers, so that the wanted level decays as the timer does.
Improved the appearance of the planetary readout from space.
Added a new section to the inventory item popup hinting at the item’s use.
Improved the visual feedback when collecting items, especially rare items.
Improved the text labels for armoured objects.
Added a filter for “Not Owned” to the Quicksilver Shop.
Fixed an issue which would allow players to browse their existing fleet whilst purchasing a new frigate.
Fixed a rare case where certain game inputs could temporarily fail to be recognised if remapped then reverted to defaults.
Prevented an erroneous boost icon appearing while piloting the Nautilon (on PS4 and Xbox One).
Fixed an issue preventing building multiples of storage container 1 (on PS4 and Xbox One).
Fixed an issue where extreme weather planets could fail to generate storms.
Improved the distribution of ammonia and uranium on toxic and radioactive planets.
Improved some analysis visor text descriptions.
Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator could destroy valuable objects.
Fixed an issue where other players’ discoveries could prevent fauna and flora from being scanned with the analysis visor.
Added identifiable descriptors for all anomalous planet types.
Fixed an issue where resource crystals (eg Di-Hydrogen) could be rediscovered on every planet.
Fixed an issue where many minerals would be called Yukovsite.
Allowed the torch to be used when exploring crashed freighters.
Fixed an issue where exocraft customisation colours could be incorrect until refreshed in the customiser.
Fixed a rendering issue with oversized fungi.
Fixed an issue where stationary objects could sometimes appear blurred.
Improved the draw distance on some exotic planet objects.
Fixed some out of memory crashes.
Fixed a crash when quitting the game during a gesture.
No Mans Sky ha ricevuto dal lancio 45 update gratuiti, questo è quello che hanno aggiunto i 7 più importanti finora. Il resto sono chiacchiere e fake news.
è proprio del lancio che parlo. bellissimo fare dopo 3 anni un gioco "perfetto" con aggiornamenti gratuiti, questo non toglie che personalmente reputo l'atteggiamento del team AL LANCIO molto scorretto
A parte che nessuno, nel mercato attuale, si prende la briga di lavorare per 3 anni ad un gioco per renderlo migliore, senza far pagare nulla. E già questo dovrebbe fare almeno venire il dubbio ai soliti detrattori di HG (almeno quelli che lo erano a ragione).
Ma sarebbe l'atteggiamento? Perché, se ricordo bene, al di là di qualche trailer scriptato (come fanno tutti) e di qualche annuncio tra le righe che non ha avuto controparte nel gioco al lancio, NMS era esattamente quello descritto: un'esperienza solitaria che voleva darti l'idea di essere sulla copertina di un libro di fantascienza anni 50.
Ho citato ciò che è successo al lancio perchè ho letto dei commenti di elogio verso il team omettendo ciò che è successo al lancio, se per te un team va giudicato solo dopo 3 anni buon per te
Nessuno elogia il team perché si presume mancasse qualcosa promesso al lancio (cosa come già scritto non vera, ma va bè
Che poi hanno spiegato che l'uscita è stata affrettata perché avevano finito i soldi, e di più non potevano essendo praticamente in sei a lavorarci.
Per me costava troppo, quello sì, sempre scritto, ma il gioco che m'è arrivato a lancio era esattamente quello che mi avevano descritto, e avevo letto tutto a riguardo. Perché dire che "due si possono incontrare, ma date le dimensioni del gioco è impossibile", non significa "è un gioco multiplayer con cui potrete giocare e divertirvi con gli amici o sfidando sconosciuti", ma l'esatto contrario. Indipendentemente che fosse vero o falso che due si sarebbero potuti incontrare.
E questo si applica a tutte le presunte "promesse".
Di quello che è successo al lancio se ne è parlato per mesi, ho seguito la discussione sul thread ufficiale ed era solo un susseguirsi di polemiche, come è giusto che fosse, adesso mi sembra un pò esagerato.
Un team lo valuto da molti aspetti, ha avuto le sue colpe al lancio con relative critiche (giustissime), si sta sbattendo da anni per continuare a dare contenuti aggiuntivi, penso quindi sia il caso di riconoscergli i suoi meriti.
Un team lo valuto da molti aspetti, ha avuto le sue colpe al lancio con relative critiche (giustissime), si sta sbattendo da anni per continuare a dare contenuti aggiuntivi, penso quindi sia il caso di riconoscergli i suoi meriti.
io penso che ormai noi italiani spesso abbiamo una visione distorta della realtà. tu mi hai rubato dei soldi? il MINIMO per farti perdonare è ridare indietro il maltolto, e una volta che lo ridai non sei diventato improvvisamente bravo anzi sarà mia personale decisione provvedere a perdonarti o no e anche se decido di perdonare il voto complessivo non raggiungerà mai(tranne casi estremi) la sufficienza verso di te
Ma dai su. Mi hai rubato dei soldi. Mi ribalto dalla sedia dal ridere.
Hai pagato per un bene voluttuario, che nessuno ti ha imposto, che era al 90% come era stato pubblicizzato e di cui potevi chiedere il refund (e molti l'hanno fatto, salvo poi ri-comprarlo 1-2 anni dopo).
I ladri son altri.
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