The Last of Us trionfa ai BAFTA 2014 con cinque premi

Nel corso della manifestazione londinese il titolo di Naughty Dog ha ottenuto cinque riconoscimenti, tra cui miglior gioco 2013.
di Davide Spotti pubblicata il 14 Marzo 2014, alle 09:41 nel canale VideogamesDopo i successi ottenuti ai VGX e ai DICE Awards, The Last of Us ha trionfato anche in occasione dei VideoGame BAFTA Awards che si sono svolti a Londra. Il titolo firmato da Naughty Dog si è aggiudicato cinque riconoscimenti, tra cui miglior gioco, miglior titolo action adventure e miglior colonna sonora.
Grand Theft Auto V e Tearaway si sono portati a casa tre premi ciascuno, mentre a Rockstar Games è andato il BAFTA Fellowship. Di seguito vi riportiamo l’elenco completo di tutti i vincitori:
Action & Adventure
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
- Badland (Frogmind)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (TT Games / Warner Bros)
- Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix)
Artistic Achievement
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Beyond: Two Souls (Quantic Dreams / SCEE)
- BioShock Infinite (Irrational Games / 2K Games)
- Device 6 (Simogo)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Level 5 / Namco Bandai Games)
Audio Achievement
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Battlefield 4 (DICE / Electronic Arts)
- BioShock Infinite (Irrational Games / 2K Games)
- Device 6 (Simogo)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix)
Best Game
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- Papers, Please (Lucas Pope / 3909 LLC)
- Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
British Game
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- DmC Devil May Cry (Ninja Theory / Capcom)
- Gunpoint (Suspicious Developments)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (TT Games / Warner Bros) The Room Two (Fireproof Games)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
Debut Game
- Gone Home (The Fullbright Company)
- Badland (Frogmind)
- Castles in the Sky (The Tall Trees)
- Gunpoint (Suspicious Developments)
- Remember Me (Dontnod Entertainment / Capcom)
- The Stanley Parable (Galactic Cafe)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Starbreeze Studios / 505 Games)
- Rayman Legends (Ubisoft Montpellier / Ubisoft)
- Skylanders Swap Force (Toys for Bob / Activision)
- Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo / Nintendo)
Game Design
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Papers, Please (Lucas Pope / 3909 LLC)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix)
Game Innovation
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Starbreeze Studios / 505 Games)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- Papers, Please (Lucas Pope / 3909 LLC)
- The Stanley Parable (Galactic Cafe)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Year Walk (Simogo)
Mobile & Handheld
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Badland (Frogmind)
- Device 6 (Simogo)
- Plants vs Zombies 2 (PopCap Games / Electronic Arts)
- Ridiculous Fishing (Vlambeer)
- The Room Two (Fireproof Games)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- Battlefield 4 (DICE / Electronic Arts)
- DOTA 2 (Valve / Valve)
- The Last Of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- World of Tanks (
- BioShock Infinite (Irrational Games / 2K Games)
- Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
- Beyond: Two Souls (Quantic Dreams / SCEE)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Ashley Johnson (Ellie) - The Last of Us
- Courtnee Draper (Elizabeth) - BioShock Infinite
- Ellen Page (Jodie) - Beyond: Two Souls
- Kevan Brighting (The Narrator) - The Stanley Parable
- Steven Ogg (Trevor Phillips) - Grand Theft Auto V
- Troy Baker (Joel) - The Last of Us
- FIFA 14 (EA Canada / Electronic Arts)
- F1 2013 (Codemasters / Codemasters)
- Football Manager 2014 (Sports Interactive / SEGA)
- Forza Motorsport 5 (Turn 10 / Microsoft Studios)
- GRID 2 (Codemasters / Codemasters)
- NBA 2K14 (Visual Concepts / 2K Games)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Starbreeze Studios / 505 Games)
- Gone Home (The Fullbright Company)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Level 5 / Namco Bandai Games)
- The Stanley Parable (Galactic Cafe)
Strategy & Simulation
- Papers, Please (Lucas Pope / 3909 LLC)
- Civilization V: Brave New World (Firaxis Games/2K Games)
- Democracy 3 (Positech Games)
- Forza Motorsport 5 (Turn 10 / Microsoft Studios)
- Surgeon Simulator 2013 (Bossa Studios)
- XCOM: Enemy Within (Firaxis Games / 2K Games)
BAFTA Ones to Watch Award
- Size DOES Matter (Team DOS)
- Project Heera: Diamond Heist (Mazhlele)
- The Unknown (iKnow)
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